Terry : Upgrade GitLab From 5.2 To 5.2.1

GitLab 5.2.1

GitLab 5.2.1 is a minor maintenance release, it is basically a bunch of commits on top of 5.2 stable to fix several bugs.

Change Log

v 5.2.1

  • Fix dashboard lost if comment on commit
  • Update gitlab-grack. Fixes issue with --depth option
  • Fix project events duplicate on project page
  • Fix postgres error when displaying network graph.
  • Fix dashboard event filter when navigate via turbolinks
  • init.d: Ensure socket is removed before starting service

Upgrade Steps

1. Stop GitLab Server

sudo service gitlab stop

2. Get the latest code

su git
cd ~/gitlab
git pull

NOTE: use tig to make sure the latest commits are fetched and merged.

3. No need to upgrade gitlab-shell for 5.2.1

4. Make sure it is on the right branch

git branch -av

NOTE: Use tig to make sure the latest commits are on top.

5. Install required gems

# /home/git/gitlab
bundle install

6. Start GitLab Server

sudo service gitlab start

7. DONE!


v 5.2.1 ChangeLog